FCRA: Risk Assessment and Financial Crime
A thorough understanding of its financial crime risks is key if a firm is to apply proportionate systems and controls. The following are self-assessment questions to help you implement an efficient risk assessment to mitigate the risk behind finance crime.
Self-assessment questions:
- What are the main financial crime risks to the business?
- How does your firm seek to understand the financial crime risks it faces?
- When did the firm last update its risk assessment?
- How do you identify new or emerging financial crime risks?
- Is there evidence that risk is considered and recorded systematically, updated assessments, and appropriate sign-off?
- Who challenges risk assessments and how? Is this process sufficiently rigorous and well-documented?
- How do procedures on the ground adapt to emerging risks? (For example, how quickly are policy manuals updated and procedures amended?)
Examples of good practice:
- A comprehensive risk assessment.
- Risk assessment is a continuous process based on the best information available from internal and external sources.
- The firm assesses where risks are greater and concentrates its resources accordingly.
- The firm actively considers the impact of crime on customers.
- The firm considers financial crime risk when designing new products and services.
Examples of poor practice:
- Risk assessment is a one-off exercise.
- Efforts to understand risk are piecemeal and lack coordination.
- Risk assessments are incomplete.
- The firm targets financial crimes that affect the bottom line (e.g. fraud against the firm) but neglects those where third parties suffer (e.g. fraud against customers)
Using An External Services Provider to Conduct Your Financial Crime Risk Assessment
Aside from it often being difficult to schedule time for this type of review or know where to start, there is considerable benefit in having an independent, objective review of the financial crime risks your business faces. Corporate Research and Investigations Limited (CRI Group™) has a wealth of knowledge in Financial Crime and can help you identify risks and exposures that might otherwise be missed, thereby enabling appropriate procedures to be put in place.
To engage CRI Group™ to conduct your Financial Crime Risk Assessment, contact the CRI™ team. CRI™ has a dedicated team of experienced compliance consultants who can provide expert assurance and peace of mind. Get in touch to see how we can help your organisation.
About CRI Group™
CRI Group™ has protected businesses from fraud, bribery and corruption since 1990. We are a leading Compliance and Risk Management company licensed and incorporated entity of the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) and Qatar Financial Center (QFC). CRI™ protects businesses by establishing the legal compliance, financial viability, and integrity levels of outside partners, suppliers and customers seeking to affiliate with your business.
In 2016, the company launched the Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption (ABAC™) Center of Excellence. This independent certification body helps organisations mitigate internal and external risks by providing a complete suite of Anti-Bribery, Compliance and Risk Management programs.
Based in London, CRI Group™ works with companies across the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific as a one-stop international Risk Management, Employee Background Screening, Business Intelligence, Due Diligence, Compliance Solutions and other professional Investigative Research solutions provider. Our global team can support your organisation anywhere in the world. We have the largest proprietary network of background-screening analysts and investigators across the Middle East and Asia. Our global presence ensures that no matter how international your operations are, we have the network needed to provide you with all you need, wherever you happen to be. CRI Group™ also holds BS 102000:2013 and BS 7858:2012 Certifications and is an HRO-certified provider and partner with Oracle.
In 2016, CRI Group™ launched the Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption (ABAC™) Center of Excellence – an independent certification body established for ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems, ISO 37301 Compliance Management Systems and ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management, providing training and certification. ABAC® operates through its global network of certified ethics and compliance professionals, qualified auditors and other certified professionals. As a result, CRI Group’s global team of certified fraud examiners work as a discreet white-labelled supplier to some of the world’s largest organisations. Contact ABAC™ for more on ISO Certification and training.
CRI Group™ Celebrates 32 Years
May 17th of 2022 marks the 32nd anniversary of the establishment of Corporate Research and Investigations (CRI Group™). Yay, for us! From the very beginning, the CRI Group™ has been dedicated to safeguarding organisations and helping businesses by establishing the legal compliance, financial viability and integrity levels of outside partners, suppliers and customers seeking affiliation. And we would like to thank all of you who have supported us over the last 32 years.
We were then, and continue to be, passionate about helping businesses fight bribery and corruption while promoting transparent business relations. CRI Group™ always stands ready to assist clients on every level and has achieved many significant accomplishments within the past year alone. From engaging in new partnerships, adding new clients to a new AML advisory service, and even opening two new offices, CRI Group™ has been busy expanding our reach to help more organisations prevent fraud, bribery, corruption, and other business risks.
Expanding the Global Reach With New Office Locations
In November 2021, CRI™ proudly announced the opening of its office in Turkey and, in February 2022, the opening of its Estonia office. Zafar Anjum, Group CEO at CRI™, said: “The ability to effectively pre-empt fraud and corruption by mitigating internal and external risks to prevent these issues can save corporations from immense potential losses and reputation damage. Our services such as DueDiligence360™, 3PRM™ and EmploySmart™ can significantly help organisations deal with bribery and corruption, third-party risk management, noncompliance with the regional and international regulatory framework and malpractice. CRI Group™’s expertise will enhance Turkey’s diverse pool of business support services.”
“Today’s business climate dictates an increasing demand of international business organisations for proactive measures designed to reduce bribery and corruption, particularly in the financial, government and multi-national business sectors,” Anjum further said. “CRI Group™’s worldwide network of multi-disciplined subject specialists and analysts, which now include Estonia, helps organisations prevent and deter bribery and corruption, third-party malfeasance, threats and corruption risks while ensuring our clients conform to the local and international regulatory framework. The establishment of our offices in Turkey gives us the platform to expand further and enhance the level of support we offer to the international business community.”
Dynamic New Industry Events, including our own ABAC Summit
In March, CRI Group™ was delighted to take its place at the Trade Winds, the largest annual U.S. government trade mission organised by the U.S. Commercial Service. Trade Winds was a great opportunity to have meaningful conversations with many of you. Our 3PRMTM solution address various specific areas, including conversations on how to protect your organisation from liability, business interruption and brand damage by partnering with the CRI Group™.
- Third-Party Integrity Due Diligence and Screening: ensures global compliance, provides adequate monitoring and protection against potential litigation;
- 3PRM Enhanced Background Checks: uncovers derogatory information within the public and private record resources through risk-based background checks, including investigative research into suppliers and individuals, ultimate-beneficial owners;
- ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System: CRI Group™’s independent and accredited Certification Body can examine your Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption procedures and issue an accredited Certification; and
- ISO 37301 Compliance Management System: CRI Group™’s independent certification body helps companies worldwide to increase and measure their efforts against regulatory compliance risks.
This weekend, we attended FutureFest, Pakistan’s largest tech conference & Expo. CRI Group™ was able to talk with many of you about your goals and challenges in staying better protected from fraud and corruption. If you missed the event, don’t despair, CRI Group™ invites you to schedule a quick appointment with us to discuss how conducting due diligence and compliance can help you and your organisation. The role or size of the third party is not as important as the nature of the relationship they have with your business. Think of your third-party access to your sensitive data or your property!
After two years of having to put our ABAC summit on hold because of the pandemic, we are very excited to finally announce our “2022 Anti-bribery, anti-corruption (ABAC™) Summit.” In association with the Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption (ABAC™) Center of Excellence, our Summit embraces the theme of “Managing your Organisation Governance, Anti-bribery, Whistleblowing, Compliance & Risks Effectively.” This must-attend event for anyone working in anti-bribery and anti-corruption, due diligence, risk management, and anti-fraud such as CEOs, CFOs, Chief Legal Officers, Chief Compliance Officers, In-house Counsels, Compliance Managers, Lawyers and Auditors, Heads of Procurement and Other officers responsible for Compliance and Anti-Corruption. You can check out the full schedule here.
The ABAC Summit will bring together some of the greatest minds in the fight against corruption, with a lineup of expert speakers that share their experiences, knowledge and best practices with an attentive audience, including members from MACC, the Prime Minister of Malaysia Office and the U.S. Embassy in Malaysia. Intending to redefine the anti-bribery culture within organisations in the country, the conference and workshops bring together Foreign Consulates, high-profile enforcement authorities, faculty speakers, delegates from top 500 Forbes and public limited companies, and media in a single forum to discuss effective internal controls, ethics, compliance measures and best practices for preventing and detecting bribery within organisations. The event aims to provide guidance and training that enables business sectors to fight malpractices.
Finally, we are delighted to unveil our place at the 2022 ACC (Association of Corporate Counsel) annual conference as a sponsor and exhibitor. The ACC Annual Meeting at Las Vegas on October 23-26 is convened each year, emphasising law, legislature, training, and compliance associated topics in correlation to Third-Party Risk Management and ISO certification (ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System and ISO 37301 Compliance Management System).
The ACC Annual Meeting is the world’s largest gathering of corporate counsel and will include more than 30 sessions led by industry-leading specialists and counsel. It is standard for the Exhibition Hall to be packed with industry affiliates and experts showcasing their goods and services and is an excellent prospect for you to educate yourself about the most recent industry manufactured goods and services that can be used to enrich your organisation’s stance on conducting due diligence and compliance. Every attendee is guaranteed to leave this conference equipped with significant data and resources to advance their corporate objectives.
If you are attending 2022 ACC, please come by and visit with us. CRI Group™ would love to talk about your goals and challenges in helping your company stay better protected from fraud and corruption.
New Webinars that Help Spread Knowledge About Bribery and Corruption Risks
With businesses continuing to turn to online learning opportunities, CRI™ hosted several webinars, including the upcoming “Compliance and Adequate Due Diligence for Third-Party Risk Managements” with the speaker, Samia El Kadiri, a renowned Consultant, Author and Trainer (6σGB | IRCA- QMS Lead Auditor | TOT | Auditor | Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption (ABAC™) Center of Excellence). A webinar on building a Culture of Compliance and Trust Through ISO 37301:2021 CMS: Compliance adequate Due Diligence for Third-Party Risk Management – corporate compliance program.
In February, our CEO was invited to speak at The Fraud Outlook 2022 Webinar hosted by the Fraud Advisory Panel. A webinar took a forward look at some of the current and emerging global fraud threats and what they mean for practitioners. It will provide a timely update on the current fraud landscape in Europe, the U.S., the Middle East and Asia, key insights into anticipated fraud trends over the next 12 to 18 months and the implications for counter fraud professionals and businesses.
New Anti-Money Laundering (AML) services
We launched new Anti-money laundering (AML) advisory services that help analyse systems and develop effective solutions that reduce your company’s risk of falling prey to employee, supplier or outside corporate and financial crimes. An effective AML framework is a testament to your organisation’s position against crime. Our unmatched investigative capabilities, worldwide presence and a long-standing reputation for independence and integrity make us uniquely qualified to resolve regulatory concerns.
Our vast Anti-Corruption and Compliance network provides the protection you need when making critical bottom-line decisions crucial to your organisation’s success. Leave it to experts. Ensure you have the 360-degrees analysis of your challenges – get in touch with the experienced CRI Group™’s AML team for a bespoke quote.
As a global business entity with a range of subsidiary partner operations that cross several distinct business sectors (including but not limited to telecommunication, financial services, petrochemicals, energy production/distribution, chemicals, fertilisers and food), your organisation needs to recognise that it is targeted by hostile entities seeking to take advantage of your market presence.
One of the critical challenges is corporate finance’s control and movement and ensuring that effective Anti-Money Laundering (AML Framework) procedures and practices are in place. Refusal to accept the risks and your organisation is openly exposed to:
- Corporate Fraud;
- Corruption;
- Exploitation from the theft of money & other assets.
You need to comply with national, regional, and international legislative frameworks such as:
- Section 453 of the 2017 Companies Act (Pakistan); and
- U.K.’s Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) 2000).
More fundamentally, money that is unknowingly, unwittingly or (in the case of fraud and corruption) even consciously ‘laundered’ through the organisation could ultimately support, finance and promote international terrorism and the drugs trade.
A money-laundering prevention program is an essential element among institutions’ measures to protect their operations and promote trust among their clients and partners. CRI Group™ works with clients to design, implement, and refine comprehensive AML policies and procedures and establish an overarching compliance strategy and culture, including firm-wide training on AML compliance that reflects the latest regulatory and enforcement trends and industry best practices.
As global corporate citizens aware of their responsibilities, any international organisation must comprehensively address these concerns and implement policies, procedures, and associated risk assessment mechanisms.
CRI Group™: A Brief History
Reflecting on the beginning of our company’s story, our CEO, Zafar I. Anjum, said: “While working on one insurance fraud case, I realised that whereas the justice system deals with most types of crime, fraud itself mandates investigation by an external specialist agency in fraud detection however such organisations were sorely lacking. In addition to a distinct lack of counter fraud education in the general population, which aided those committing fraud greatly. Even where individuals were aware that they were being defrauded, they lacked the knowledge of how to resolve disputes between themselves and the defrauder effectively”.
Mr Zafar Anjum raised the firm to a new level in 2006 when he incorporated the U.K. company in 2006, and Corporate Research and Investigations LLC DIFC was incorporated in 2008 in UAE. Today, CRI Group™ is a leader in employee background screening services, investigative due diligence, third-party risk management services and Anti-bribery Management Systems.
Today, the company is a global firm with experts and resources located in key regional marketplaces across the Asia Pacific, South Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, North America and Europe. The company’s success and growth continue; CRI Group™ always stands ready to assist organisations and has achieved many significant accomplishments within the past year alone. From expanding service capabilities to launching podcasts and webinars every month, CRI Group™ has been busy helping businesses overcome risk management challenges. We collated a few of our achievements below.
Looking forward
Thank you for your past support, and we look forward to continuing to work with you. Check out our eBook of Why Partner with CRI Group™. CRI Group™ invites you to schedule a quick appointment with us to discuss how our risk management solutions can help you and your organisation.
CxO Global Forum Network welcomes Nilofar A.Gardezi
Corporate Research and Investigations Limited (CRI Group™) is happy to invite you to watch this exclusive talk with CXO Rendezvous. Our HRBP & Associate Director, Nilofar, sat with CxO Global Forum at the Rendezvous show to talk about her professional journey and discuss insights into the HR domain in Pakistan.
CXO Rendezvous is a monthly series that is intended to connect the professional community, and listen to inspiring talks from industry leaders, experienced entrepreneurs, visionaries, and innovators. And in this particular episode, Nilofar discusses how HR departments continue to evolve to meet the demands of a fast-paced, digitally-driven environment, forcing employers to be met with a new and distinct set of challenges. Nilofar also discusses how important is it to engage the workforce; attract and retain talent; manage relationships; train and development, embrace inevitable change, employee health and well-being, and more…
Ms. Nilofar A. Gardezi is a Senior Certified HR professional with more than nine (9) years of experience in HR. She has expertise in strategic human-centric based HR practices. She holds membership in PSHRM, SODEIT-UN and Rotaract Club Pakistan. Ms. Gardezi has done MPhil-PhD with a specialization in HRM. She has an MBA in Management and is an accredited SHRM professional from EPCA. Ms. Gardezi is also a gold-certified Trainer from DWE. She holds a certification in Psychology and serves as a Certified Professional Counsellor. She has worked with renowned organizations like Attock Group, British Council and Standard Chartered Bank. |
Nilofar A Gardezi
About CxO Global Forum
The CxO Global Forum Network is an invitation-only membership exclusively for Chief investment/information officers and technology officers, financial and marketing, executive officers and country heads from the world’s largest and most influential companies. Top Journal editors get together with global analysts and key thought leaders with the mission to identify key challenges in technology and new opportunities for innovation that will unlock value for their organisations.
We live in a social world. Connecting with others broadens our collective thinking while adding texture and dimension to the issues and challenges we all face, regardless of our professional roles. In today’s hyper-connected world, collaborating with a self-made network has become necessary. The forum is about global exposure, especially in digital transformation and innovation around the globe.
Who is CRI Group™?
Based in London, CRI Group™ works with companies across the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific as a one-stop international Risk Management, Employee Background Screening, Business Intelligence, Due Diligence and other professional Investigative Research solutions provider. We have the largest proprietary network of background-screening analysts and investigators across the Middle East and Asia. Our global presence ensures that no matter how international your operations are we have the network needed to provide you with all you need, wherever you happen to be. CRI Group™ also holds BS 102000:2013 and BS 7858:2012 Certifications, is an HRO certified provider and partner with Oracle.
In 2016, CRI Group™ launched Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption (ABAC™) Center of Excellence – an independent certification body that provides education and certification services for individuals and organisations on a wide range of disciplines and ISO standards, including ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management- Guidelines; ISO 37000:2021 Governance of Organisations; ISO 37002:2021 Whistleblowing Management System; ISO 37301:2021 (formerly ISO 19600) Compliance Management system (CMS); Anti-Money Laundering (AML); and ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems ABMS. ABAC™ offers a complete suite of solutions designed to help organisations mitigate the internal and external risks associated with operating in multi-jurisdiction and multi-cultural environments while assisting in developing frameworks for strategic compliance programs. Contact ABAC™ for more on ISO Certification and training.
CRI Group™ invites you to schedule a quick appointment with us to discuss in more detail how our risk management solutions can help you and your organisation.
Risk Management & What can Business Intelligence do?
Businesses must manage risks because they can frequently prevent or minimize the financial, political, social, and cultural ramifications associated with them. Risk management is an effective tool to tackle uncertainties in the probability of an event’s occurrence that challenges decision-making. Many factors associated with risk management, including business intelligence, have the potential to be used to reduce such uncertainties. Business Intelligence services supports organizations in the making more accurate estimates and predictions by analyzing historical and current data and mitigating internal and external risks.
What is Business Intelligence? How are Investigative operations are compared to Intelligence operations? Business Intelligence (BI) is a phrase coined for the analytical procedures an organization commences.
Business Intelligence is a successful method of conducting market research as it merges data derivative from the peripheral environment (i.e., market and industry) in which an organization operates with data from the core environment of the organization as fiscal and controls data. When combined, this data can deliver a complete image of any business decisions a firm can make as a means of benefit to themselves; this ranges from operational decisions such as product positioning to strategic decisions such as pricing.
What Are The Five Basic Tasks Of Business Intelligence?
- Intelligence is used for business decisions….
- Following are the five steps siness Intelligence:
- The data is sourced from…
- The results of the analysis are…
- Being aware of your surroundings:…
- The risk assessment is that…
- Support in making decisions…
What is Counted as Business Intelligence Services?
Business Intelligence (BI) services can take on numerous forms and structures in today’s complex corporate environment. Business Intelligence services investigates everything from assets to the exterior disputes facing an organization. It can also appraise an organization’s employees to ensure that its integrity, reputation, and bottom-line profits are safeguarded from any malice and illicit activities.
CRI Group™ takes two approaches to business intelligence services:
- Intelligence operations (via market research and analysis): we focus on researching your business’s future and potential growth – i.e. determine the commercial viability and potential for success in the market, analyze consumer behavior and business trends in that market, etc.
- Investigative operations (via commercial investigations): we focus on the status of your business – i.e. location of assets, financial information, identification of unmet needs of any market, gauge brand awareness and identity in the market, etc.)
What are Intelligence Operations?
Investigation and Evaluation facilities are constructed to aid clients during the business intelligence procedure. Intelligence operations are highly acclaimed by organizations of all industries. The service aids the preliminary phases of detecting the necessary components for a suitable corporate policy to the closing execution phases. At CRI Group™, we know that data is your greatest advantage when performing enterprise on several degrees.
Our market research will collect the mandatory statistics to make significant corporate decisions; everything from registering into other markets or industries to associating or partnering with other organizations (i.e., Mergers and Acquisitions) is covered in our BI Solutions. CRI Group™ is proficient in understanding and transmitting this data to allow you to implement it into your corporate development; our experts are trained to the highest degree and understand how to get the proper data promptly.
CRI Group’s methodology is to assist the organization in tracing corporate movements and market changes which, in turn, will aid in steering them through the practice of successfully conveying their brand in the larger market to then be able to market their goods and services accordingly. With representatives in nations across the globe, CRI Group™ is distinctively situated to assist you in traversing cultural and regulatory environments to maximize your market potential in the regions you seek to trade.
Gaining insight into how your brand reputation affects potential buyers and understanding what motivates the market to purchase will enable you to establish effective marketing programs that impact your audiences and build brand loyalty among buyers. Why not check out our BI solutions brochure to learn more about our approach.
What are Investigative Operations?
It is no secret that every industry has its issues. However, some matters, such as Employee Theft, Company Fraud, rivalry, continuous malingering, or Industrial Espionage, can start on a moderately trivial scale. Still, as time advances, the culprit becomes brasher in their endeavors (typically due to an absence of discovery) instigating the situation to develop out of control and become detrimental to your commerce.
As an organization, you have every right to be involved with the internal activities of your firm; hence, carrying out commercial investigations on your employees as a means of curtailing threats is not out of the question. Our team of experts can support you to do this in a manner equally as ethical as it is providing as it delivers you the data you so greatly pursue.
Commercial investigations can be achieved for any form of an enterprise, including commercial, industrial, legal, and public sector corporations. Our team hails from diverse backgrounds, including military and fraud investigators, which is why CRI Group™ is so adaptable in its approach to help you with intelligence and investigative operations. Why not check out our BI solutions brochure to learn more about our approach.
A little bit overwhelmed and wanting to learn more? Get in touch and let us know how we can help!
What is Fraud Investigation?
Fraud is one of the biggest and most damaging risks businesses face. The headlines are full of organisations both in the private and public sectors affected by fraud, irregularity or other wrongdoing – either as a victim or accused. Statistics show that the threat of Corporate Fraud increases markedly in a down economy. And when such fraud occurs, it takes an average of 18 months to detect. In that timeframe, the damage to your business can be both widespread and irreversible. The hidden costs related to corporate fraud drains an estimated five per cent of revenue from corporations worldwide.
Fraud Risk Assessment and Fraud Risk Management: A Proactive Approach to Prevention and Detection
Historically, most major corporate fraud cases have been perpetrated by senior management who can circumvent internal controls and often work in collusion with other employees. By establishing a strong workplace environment that promotes ethical behaviour, deters wrongdoing and encourages all employees to communicate any known or suspected activity to the proper authority, you would be taking a proactive approach to prevention and detection.
What is the Fraud Investigation Process?
When fraud is suspected within the organisation, CRI Group’s experienced fraud analysts use proven techniques to aggressively investigate the case, collect evidence and determine the facts. Once the type of fraud is determined, a process of gathering all evidence possible to bulk out the investigation case starts. Evidence can be collected through a variety of means and methods.
These methods include conducting detailed asset checks, background verifications, surveillance checks and stylised forms of investigation and analysis; including employee investigations and investigations of an entire business. Subsequently, the victims and potential fraudsters will be interviewed. Our analysts work with your management, internal security and legal teams to uncover the truth and bring proper closure to the case.
Are You Auditing Your Fraud Prevention Program Regularly?
- Review and assessment of your current fraud risk management program, including policies, procedures, controls, reporting functions, responsibilities assignment and investigative requirements to identify the organisation’s susceptibility to fraud and vulnerability by the department.
- Developing fraud prevention measures and implementing Anti-fraud controls.
- Defining detection methods that encompass internal audits, suspicious transaction reporting, whistle-blower strategies, and program enforcement.
- Re-engineering targeted job functions or internal controls to mesh with fraud risk management program refinements.
Take Extra Precaution with Fraud and White-Collar Crime Investigations
Fraud and white-collar crime investigations and risk consulting services have helped financial institutions, corporations, partnerships, and individuals worldwide minimise fraud and thereby satisfy capital markets, reduce legal costs, and maintain their reputation and brand equity. CRI Group’s global team of Certified Fraud Examiners are trained in virtually every aspect of corporate fraud, including:
- Money Laundering
- Intellectual Property Crimes
- Embezzlement
- Check & Credit Card Fraud
- Online Cybercrime
- Accounting Fraud
- Cash Theft
- Asset Misappropriation
- Bribery
- Corruption
- Contract & Procurement Fraud
- Payroll Fraud
CRI Group™ develops preventative measures that have helped organisations worldwide identify a material weakness in internal controls to mitigate collusive activity and reduce the liabilities associated with corporate fraud. Our trained investigators leverage our collective investigative experience, leading technology tools, global reach and credibility with regulators to bring you insights with precision and speed.
Our international team of Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) work with companies to analyse and assess fraud prevention measures, develop solid risk management programs, provide training for executives, board, management and staff, establish effective communications strategies for reporting suspicious behaviour, and implement investigation and corrective action policies that meet regulatory and compliance requirements.
CRI Group™ professionals work with your organisation on an unbiased level, strengthening your fraud risk management program by:
- Adhering to the organisation’s written code of conduct
- Reviewing existing fraud risk management programs
- Training employees to properly identify fraud
- Developing internal and external reporting channels
- Identifying senior management, board and employee responsibilities
- Conducting and monitoring the progress of investigations
- Providing thorough reporting of investigative results
- Testifying as expert witnesses, if required
Who is CRI Group™?
Based in London, CRI Group™ works with companies across the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific as a one-stop international Risk Management, Employee Background Screening, Business Intelligence, Due Diligence and other professional Investigative Research solutions provider. We have the largest proprietary network of background-screening analysts and investigators across the Middle East and Asia. Our global presence ensures that no matter how international your operations are we have the network needed to provide you with all you need, wherever you happen to be. CRI Group™ also holds BS 102000:2013 and BS 7858:2012 Certifications, is an HRO certified provider and partner with Oracle.
CRI Group™ invites you to schedule a quick appointment with us to discuss in more detail how our risk management solutions can help you and your organisation.
Why CRI Group™?
- CRI™ has one of the largest, most experienced & best-trained integrity due diligence teams in the world.
- We have a flat structure which means that you will have direct access to senior members of staff throughout the due diligence process.
- Our multi-lingual teams have conducted assignments on thousands of subjects in over 80 countries, & we’re committed to maintaining & constantly evolving our global network.
- Our solutions are easily customisable, flexible & we will tailor our scope to address your concerns & risk areas; saving you time & money.
- Our team of more than 50 full-time analysts is spread across Europe, Middle East, Asia, North and South America & is fully equiped with the local knowledge to serve your needs globally.
- Our extensive solutions include due diligence, employee pre & post background screening, business intelligence & compliance, facilitating any decision-making across your business no matter what area or department.
In 2016, CRI Group™ launched the Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption (ABAC™) Center of Excellence – an independent certification body that provides education and certification services for individuals and organisations on a wide range of disciplines and ISO standards, including ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management- Guidelines; ISO 37000:2021 Governance of Organisations; ISO 37002:2021 Whistleblowing Management System; ISO 37301:2021 (formerly ISO 19600) Compliance Management system (CMS); Anti-Money Laundering (AML); and ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems ABMS. ABAC™ offers a complete suite of solutions designed to help organisations mitigate the internal and external risks associated with operating in multi-jurisdiction and multi-cultural environments while assisting in developing frameworks for strategic compliance programs. Contact ABAC™ for more on ISO Certification and training.
Employee Fraud: Why are Human Factors so Important in Risk Management?
When any fraud, including employee fraud, is discovered, it’s usually by surprise. That’s because most of us aren’t used to looking for criminal behaviour inside our organisation. We trust our employees and co-workers, and we keep our focus on succeeding as a team and accomplishing our goals for the business. Nobody wants to think that someone might be subverting the rules for their gain.
Unfortunately, though, fraud does happen. The statistics tell us that, on average, organisations lose about 5 per cent of their total revenues to fraud, and the median loss in frauds committed by owners/executives is $600,000. If that’s not bad enough, the average fraud lasts 18 months before being discovered – if it is discovered at all (ACFE, 2020).
Employee fraud is a combination of complex events, and many organisations include “human factors” in generic terms in the causation path of failure. Because for many organisations, it is hard to specifically identify human factors and understand how to manage them. At CRI Group™, we have 32 years of experience in the causes of potential deviations, the unwanted scenario that organisations may face, and the controls necessary to prevent or mitigate incidents. Our analysts uncover the truth every day; here are the most common human factors that lead to employee fraud:
- Pressures to Perform
- Staff Reductions
- Departmental Cuts
- Business Survival
- Overworked Audit Staff
- Increased External Vulnerability Due to Weak IT Controls
- Reduced Regulatory Oversight
Human factors in risk management
Understanding the impact of human behaviour on your primary process is key. When we address human factors related to health and safety, we aim to optimise human performance and reduce human failures. Organisations need to take a proportionate approach to human factors in risk assessment based on their hazard and risk profile. Several large companies have recognised the value of adopting some kind of a risk model.
Applying human factors tools and techniques in your risk assessment is detrimental to the safety of your workforce too. This human factor risk management process should consider work ethic, culture, and stakeholder expectations as organisational culture is affected by these concepts and links management processes to corporate sustainability.
Benefits of implementing human factors in risk management
- Reduce turnover and training costs
- Gain a competitive edge through the hiring of better people
- Increase productivity – help your employees be more productive knowing that everyone employed by your company has been screened
- Set your company apart and win more business
- Reduce employee-related problems
- Protect company reputation/brand & customer relations
- Comply with mandates created by state or federal law for certain industries
- Increase retention
- Reduce negligent hiring claims
- Avoid violence in the workplace (threats of violence and actual violence)
- Reduce theft and espionage
- Avoid lawsuits and the costs associated with the defence
- Avoid loss of goodwill
Mitigate employee risk
Organisations spend years and thousands, even millions, to brand their products and services – it only takes one bad hire to cause a loss of capital and reputation. Employee Background Checks can aid in reducing the risk of hiring an employee who does not live up to their supposed skill set and could cause irrevocable damage. It can cause a business to fail, especially if the employee holds malice toward the organisation. EmploySmart™ is CRI Group’s own solution aiming to expose vulnerabilities and threats within your organisation. Our EmploySmart™ is a risk management measure that can significantly reduce business and financial crime, fraud and malpractice within your workplace.
Our EmploySmart™ solutions are also certified by the British Standard Institute BSI for the scope of BS 7858:2019 Screening of individuals working in a secure environment, Code of practice (the only BS 7858 certified background screening services provider in the UAE and across the Middle East); and BS 102000:2018 Code of practice for the provision of investigative services.
Other Solutions…
CRI Group™ has experts who have conducted fraud investigations worldwide for organisations of all sizes and industries. Our investigators work on-site at your company bringing a boots-on-the-ground approach to uncovering all the case facts. When you’ve uncovered fraud, that’s the time to let the experts take over. You owe it to yourself and the future of your business to make sure every investigation is done professionally and effectively.
CRI Group’s unique identity and vision evolved from our fundamental desire to support our clients and their candidates, thus creating the DueDiligence360™. Identifying key risk issues clearly and concisely helps enhance your knowledge and understanding of the customer, supplier, and third-party risk, helping you avoid those involved with financial crime. The DueDiligence360™ reports help organisations comply with anti-money laundering, anti-bribery, and anti-corruption regulations. This service also proves beneficial ahead of a merger, acquisition, or joint venture. It can be used for a third-party risk assessment, onboarding decision-making, and identifying beneficial ownership structures.
CRI Group™ is Attending 2022 ACC Annual Conference
Corporate Research and Investigations Limited (CRI Group™) is delighted to unveil our place at the 2022 ACC (Association of Corporate Counsel) annual conference as a sponsor and exhibitor.
The ACC Annual Meeting at Las Vegas on October 23-26 is convened each year with a large emphasis on law, legislature, training, and compliance associated topics in correlation to Third-Party Risk Management and ISO certification (ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System and ISO 37301 Compliance Management System).
The ACC Annual Meeting is the world’s largest gathering of corporate counsel and will include more than 30 sessions led by industry-leading specialists and counsel. It is standard for the Exhibition Hall to be packed with industry affiliates and experts showcasing their goods and services and is an excellent prospect for you to educate yourself about the most recent industry manufactured goods and services that can be used to enrich your organisation’s stance on conducting due diligence and compliance. Every attendee is guaranteed to leave this conference equipped with significant data and resources to advance their corporate objectives.
If you are attending 2022 ACC, please come by and visit with us. CRI® Group would love to talk about your goals and challenges in helping your company stay better protected from fraud and corruption.
CRI® Group invites you to schedule a quick appointment with us to discuss in more detail how conducting due diligence and compliance can help you and your organisation.
The role or size of the third party is not as important as the nature of the relationship they have with your business. Think of your third-party level of access to your sensitive data or your property! A cleaning company with access to your filing cabinet represents a different but still significant risk. And remember, you are accountable for the inappropriate actions of any of your third parties. Do you have answers to the following:
- Have a lack of visibility or understanding danger of the risks posed by your relationships with many types of third parties?
- Want greater visibility into third-party performance and risks?
- Need to improve operational costs, process, efficiencies, and organisational agility associated with your third-party relationships?
- Need to gain greater control over the related risks?
- Want to be confident that third parties are compliant with your business’ policies, as well as their own—based on government regulations and industry requirements?
If your organisation seeks answers to any of the above questions, you must consider a third-party risk management solution. CRI® Group invites you to schedule a quick appointment with us to discuss in more detail how 3PRM™ can help you and your organisation.
Why attend?
Here are seven great reasons why you should be there…
- Your future success. In these uncertain times, you need to invest in your future and elevate your practice and law department to a new standard of excellence.
- The right subject matter. This year’s bold, new conference is packed with practical, interactive, and engaging adult learning formats — sessions, workshops, and roundtables that will help you and your colleagues from around the world dig deep into critical subject matters.
- Expert presenters. Hear directly from an impressive group of legal industry thought leaders.
- Unparalleled networking. Exchange ideas and share experiences with thousands of your colleagues from around the globe with 30+ hours of networking events.
- Solutions. Get up-to-the-minute information from 100+ law firms and legal service providers.
- CLE/CPD credit. Get the professional development you need and earn up to a year’s worth of CLE/CPD credits.
- The Phoenix Experience. Jaw-dropping sunsets paint the desert sky nightly. Bask in near-perpetual sunshine. And the Phoenix Convention Center sits in the middle of a walkable downtown filled with independent restaurants, craft brewpubs, and live-music venues.
Source: Event Website
If your organisation requires any of the below within your compliance checklist, you must consider a third-party risk management solution. CRI Group™ invites you to schedule a quick appointment with us to discuss in more detail how 3PRM™ can help you and your organisation.
Third-Party Risk Management solution (TPRM), also known as 3PRM™.
The solution includes establishing the legal compliance, financial viability, and integrity levels of outside partners, suppliers, customers, and other sources worldwide seeking potential affiliations with your organisation.
Our 3PRM™ solution streamlines the third-party risk management process through scalability and efficiencies – from third-party risk identification to assessment. What sets us apart is that our 3PRM™ solution includes:
- Due Diligence
- Screeningand background checks
- Business intelligence: information management
- Investigations: i.e. IP, fraud, conflict of interest, etc
- Regulatory compliance
- Anti-bribery and anti-corruption (ABAC) compliance
- Employee auditing training and education
- Monitoring and reporting
With a network of trained professionals positioned across five continents, CRI Group’s 3PRM™ services utilise one of the largest multi-national fraud investigation teams the industry has to offer. Our solution is flexible and responsive to the various risk domains that are most important to your business, from cybersecurity to anti-bribery. CRI Group™ invites you to schedule a quick appointment with us to discuss in more detail how 3PRM™ can help you and your organisation.
It is an honour for us to be a part of a conference that extends to and facilitates so many organisations across the globe; more information on the event will be released soon, so keep your eye out for our updates! We hope to see you there. Are you ready to 3PRM™? Find out more about the significance of conducting due diligence or download the free brochure. We look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas!
About ACC
The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is a global bar association that promotes in-house counsel’s common professional and business interests through information, education, networking opportunities, and advocacy initiatives. ACC is a global legal association that promotes the common professional and business interests of in-house counsel who work for corporations, associations, and other organisations through information, education, networking, and advocacy. ACC has more than 60 chapters and networks across the globe.
Founded as the American Corporate Counsel Association in 1981, our roots began in the United States. Since our founding, we’ve grown from a small organisation of in-house counsel to a worldwide network of legal professionals. Read the story of how ACC grew as an organisation of just 2,000 members to become today’s global organisation.
Who is CRI Group™?
Based in London, CRI Group™ works with companies across the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific as a one-stop international Risk Management, Employee Background Screening, Business Intelligence, Due Diligence and other professional Investigative Research solutions provider. We have the largest proprietary network of background-screening analysts and investigators across the Middle East and Asia. Our global presence ensures that no matter how international your operations are we have the network needed to provide you with all you need, wherever you happen to be. CRI Group™ also holds BS 102000:2013 and BS 7858:2012 Certifications, is an HRO certified provider and partner with Oracle.
In 2016, CRI Group™ launched Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption (ABAC™) Center of Excellence – an independent certification body that provides education and certification services for individuals and organisations on a wide range of disciplines and ISO standards, including ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management- Guidelines; ISO 37000:2021 Governance of Organisations; ISO 37002:2021 Whistleblowing Management System; ISO 37301:2021 (formerly ISO 19600) Compliance Management system (CMS); Anti-Money Laundering (AML); and ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems ABMS. ABAC™ offers a complete suite of solutions designed to help organisations mitigate the internal and external risks associated with operating in multi-jurisdiction and multi-cultural environments while assisting in developing frameworks for strategic compliance programs. Contact ABAC™ for more on ISO Certification and training.
CRI Group™ invites you to schedule a quick appointment with us to discuss in more detail how our risk management solutions can help you and your organisation.
Thank You for Visiting Us at Trade Winds
2022 Trade Winds was a success…
Thank you for visiting us at Trade Winds! Corporate Research and Investigations Limited (CRI Group™) was delighted to take its place at the 2022 Trade Winds As the largest annual U.S. government trade mission, Trade Winds was held at Dubai on March 6-8, 2022 at the InterContinental Festival City, at the same time as World Expo. Organized by the U.S. Commercial Service, Trade Winds featured pre-scheduled meetings with the U.S. Commercial Diplomats from over 20 countries in the Middle East, North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa, exciting conference programming and plenty of networking!
Trade Winds was a great opportunity to have meaningful conversations with many of you. Conversations on how to protect your organization from liability, business interruption and brand damage by partnering with the CRI Group™. Our 3PRMTM solution address various specific areas, including:
- Third-Party Integrity Due Diligence and Screening: ensure global compliance, provides adequate monitoring and protection against potential litigation;
- 3PRM Enhanced Background Checks: uncovers derogatory information within the public and private record resources through risk-based background checks, including investigative research into suppliers and individuals, ultimate-beneficial owners;
- ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System: CRI Group’s independent and accredited Certification Body can examine your Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption procedures and issue an accredited Certification; and
- ISO 37301 Compliance Management System: CRI Group’s independent certification body helps companies worldwide to increase and measure their efforts against regulatory compliance risks.
It was a pleasure seeing you at the 2022 Trade Winds! We hope you enjoy the experience as much as we did. However, if you feel like you missed out, please reach out and find out how we can help you with your risk management strategies, wherever you happen to be.
In the meantime, around the world, COVID-19 and social justice movements forced a reckoning, and even as more organizations transition back to – or at least toward – business as usual, issues like climate change; the ensuing competition for talent; cancel culture and corporate fraud; are accelerating trends worldwide. Activists’ and investors’ voices are growing louder and more influential in board governance. Customers are influencing what organizations sell and what it’s made of, and how it’s delivered, so building organizations with purpose is key today. We offer actionable insights on making it happen, from compliance to employee screening, head out to our insights section, and please tell us what you think – and what kinds of data and insights would be most helpful to you.
About Trade Winds
Trade Winds is a multifaceted program designed to help companies achieve growth and exposure in specific markets or regions worldwide. All companies participate in the Trade Winds Forum, which includes a business conference, meetings with U.S. commercial diplomats from the region, networking opportunities, two receptions, and a sponsor exhibition. The average Trade Winds Forum attracts over 300 attendees and is the main gathering for all registered individuals. For questions, please contact TradeWinds@trade.gov.
Who is CRI Group™?
Based in London, CRI Group™ works with companies across the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific as a one-stop international Risk Management, Employee Background Screening, Business Intelligence, Due Diligence and other professional Investigative Research solutions provider. We have the largest proprietary network of background-screening analysts and investigators across the Middle East and Asia. Our global presence ensures that no matter how international your operations are we have the network needed to provide you with all you need, wherever you happen to be. CRI Group™ also holds BS 102000:2013 and BS 7858:2012 Certifications, is an HRO certified provider and partner with Oracle.
In 2016, CRI® Group launched Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption (ABAC™) Center of Excellence – an independent certification body that provides education and certification services for individuals and organizations on a wide range of disciplines and ISO standards, including ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management- Guidelines; ISO 37000:2021 Governance of Organisations; ISO 37002:2021 Whistleblowing Management System; ISO 37301:2021 (formerly ISO 19600) Compliance Management system (CMS); Anti-Money Laundering (AML); and ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems ABMS. ABAC™ offers a complete suite of solutions designed to help organizations mitigate the internal and external risks associated with operating in multi-jurisdiction and multi-cultural environments while assisting in developing frameworks for strategic compliance programs. Contact ABAC™ for more on ISO Certification and training.
We (CRI Group™) Got a New Office in Estonia
CRI Group™ Opens Office in Estonia
Corporate Research and Investigations Limited (CRI Group™), a global leader in Risk Management and Compliance solutions, announced today the opening of its offices in Estonia (Corporate Research and Investigations Limited, Tornimäe 5, 2nd floor 10145 Tallinn Estonia). CRI Group™ has been safeguarding businesses from fraud, bribery and corruption since 1990. CRI™ protects businesses by establishing the legal compliance, financial viability, and integrity levels of outside partners, suppliers and customers seeking to affiliate with your business.
Based in London, CRI Group™ works with companies across the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific as a one-stop international Risk Management, Employee Background Screening, Business Intelligence, Due Diligence, Compliance Solutions and other professional Investigative Research solutions provider. We have the largest proprietary network of background-screening analysts and investigators across the Middle East and Asia. Our global presence ensures that no matter how international your operations are, we have the network needed to provide you with all you need, wherever you happen to be. Our global team can support your organisation anywhere in the world.
Zafar Anjum, Group CEO at CRI™, said: “Today’s business climate dictates an increasing demand of international business organisations for proactive measures designed to reduce bribery and corruption, particularly in the financial, government and multi-national business sectors. The ability to effectively pre-empt fraud and corruption by mitigating internal and external risks to prevent these issues can save corporations from immense potential losses and reputation damage. CRI Group™’s expertise will enhance the diverse pool of business support services available within Estonia.”
“Our services such as DueDiligence360™, 3PRM™ and EmploySmart™ can significantly help organisations deal with bribery and corruption, third-party risk management, noncompliance with the regional and international regulatory framework and malpractice.” Anjum further said. “CRI Group™’s worldwide network of multi-disciplined subject specialists and analysts help organisations prevent and deter bribery and corruption, third-party malfeasance, threats and corruption risks while ensuring our clients conform to the local and international regulatory framework. The establishment of our offices in Estonia gives us the platform to expand further and enhance the level of support we offer to the international business community.”
CRI™ also holds BS 102000:2013 and BS 7858:2012 Certifications, is an HRO certified provider and partner with Oracle, and it is a licensed and incorporated entity of the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) and Qatar Financial Center (QFC).
Estonia Office Details:
Corporate Research and Investigations Limited
Tornimäe 5, 2nd floor
10145 Tallinn
t: +372 616 4555
e: tallinn@crigroup.com
Global Integrity DueDiligence360™ Investigations
CRI™ investigators employ a proven, multi-faceted research approach that involves a global array of databases, courts and public record searches, local contacts, industry and media resources, and in-depth web-based research. Our resources include:
- International business verification
- Individual business interest search
- Personal profile on individual subjects
- Company profile on corporate entities
- Historical ownership analysis
- Identification of subsidiaries & connected parties (incl. UBOs)
- Global/national criminality & regulatory records checks
- Politically Exposed Person database
- International digital media research
- Company background analysis
- Industry reputational assessment
- FCPA, UK Anti-Bribery & corruption risk databases
- Global terrorism checks
- Global financial regulatory authorities check
- Money laundering risk database
- Financial reports
- Asset tracing
- Country-specific databases that include litigation checks, law enforcement agencies & capital market regulators.
Ensure a Safe Work Environment forAll with EmploySmart™
EmploySmart™ can be tailored into specific screening packages to meet the requirements of each specific position within your company. We are a leading worldwide provider, specialising in local and international employee background checks, including pre-employment and post-employment background checks.
CRI® Employee Background Checks are an investigation into a person’s character – inside and outside their professional lives. Some checks you already carry out in-house, such as candidate’s qualifications (documents provided), work history (with a reference check), right to work in the country and even a quick social media presence scan. However, we provide a full in-depth background screening service for candidates and employees at all levels – from senior executives through to shop-floor employees including BS7858 vetting.
Our EmploySmart™ is a robust pre-employment background screening service certified for BS7858.
Third-Party Risk Management solution (TPRM), also known as 3PRM™
The solution includes establishing the legal compliance, financial viability, and integrity levels of outside partners, suppliers, customers, and other sources worldwide seeking potential affiliations with your organisation.
If your organisation requires any of the following within your compliance checklist, then you must consider a third-party risk management solution:
- Have a lack of visibility or understanding danger of the risks posed by your relationships with many types of third parties?
- Want greater visibility into third-party performance and risks?
- Need to improve operational costs, process, efficiencies, and organisational agility associated with your third-party relationships?
- Need to gain greater control over the related risks?
- Want to be confident that third parties are compliant with your business’ policies, as well as their own based on government regulations and industry requirements?
Working with us you get…
- With expertise in domestic and international screening, one of the largest, most experienced and best-trained integrity due diligence teams globally.
- The ability to manage multiple background checks online
- Quick turnaround times
- High-quality searches, backed by numerous checks and quality controls
- We have a flat structure which means that you will have direct access to senior members of staff throughout the due diligence process.
- Our multi-lingual teams have conducted assignments on thousands of subjects in over 80 countries, and we’re committed to maintaining and constantly evolving our global network.
- Our solutions are easily customisable, flexible and we will tailor our scope to address your concerns and risk areas, saving you time and money.
- Our team of more than 50 full-time analysts is spread across Europe, the Middle East, Asia, North and South America and fully equipped with the local knowledge to serve your needs globally.
- Our extensive solutions include due diligence, employee pre and post background screening, business intelligence and compliance, facilitating any decision-making across your business no matter what area or department.
Our Mission and Vision
- CRI® mission is to safeguard the corporate world by detecting and exposing those elements that can cause irreparable harm to a business
- Stand up against the outside forces that, through corruption, collusion, coercion and fraud, can cause financial, organisational, reputational and legal harm to our global clients
- Stand out as the preeminent provider of specialised investigative services that enable our clients to exhibit the highest standards of business integrity, ethics and behaviour
Our global presence ensures that no matter how international your operations are we have the network needed to provide you with all you need, wherever you happen to be. We take great care to ensure that our experts are the best at what they do. We pride ourselves on having the most stringent recruitment standards in the industry. Our experience, skilled workforce, technical resources, networking capabilities, internal flexibility and global offices maximise our solution efficacy. Added to that is the fact that our extensive experience gives us the breadth and depth of knowledge needed to make sure that your organisation is protected at all turns, at every corner, and through every deal.
Speak up – report any illegal, unethical, or improper behaviour
If you find yourself in an ethical dilemma or suspect inappropriate or illegal conduct, and you feel uncomfortable reporting through regular communication channels or wish to raise the issue anonymously, use CRI Group™’s Compliance Hotline. The Compliance Hotline is a secure and confidential reporting channel managed by an independent provider. When reporting a concern in good faith, you will be protected by CRI Group™’s Non-Retaliation Policy.
Who is CRI Group™?
Based in London, CRI Group™ works with companies across the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific as a one-stop international Risk Management, Employee Background Screening, Business Intelligence, Due Diligence and other professional Investigative Research solutions provider. We have the largest proprietary network of background-screening analysts and investigators across the Middle East and Asia. Our global presence ensures that no matter how international your operations are we have the network needed to provide you with all you need, wherever you happen to be. CRI Group™ also holds BS 102000:2013 and BS 7858:2012 Certifications, is an HRO certified provider and partner with Oracle.
In 2016, CRI Group™ launched Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption (ABAC™) Center of Excellence – an independent certification body that provides education and certification services for individuals and organisations on a wide range of disciplines and ISO standards, including ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management- Guidelines; ISO 37000:2021 Governance of Organisations; ISO 37002:2021 Whistleblowing Management System; ISO 37301:2021 (formerly ISO 19600) Compliance Management system (CMS); Anti-Money Laundering (AML); and ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems ABMS. ABAC™ offers a complete suite of solutions designed to help organisations mitigate the internal and external risks associated with operating in multi-jurisdiction and multi-cultural environments while assisting in developing frameworks for strategic compliance programs. Contact ABAC™ for more on ISO Certification and training.
2022 Investigations & White-Collar Crime POWER PLAYERS Issue Is Out Now!
2022 Investigations & White-Collar Crime
- 2022 Investigations & White-Collar Crime Power Players issue is out. Corporate Research and Investigations Limited were featured in this year Financier Worldwide’s Power Players issue.
- In this edition, CRI® Group’s Chief Executive Officer, Zafar Anjum, talks about his career’s achievements, what the organisation strives to demonstrate to clients and how he sees the investigations a white-collar crime market shaping up over the coming months and all the exciting trends or developments on the horizon.
- Having dedicated his career to background investigation, fraud prevention, protective integrity, security and compliance, Zafar Anjum is a distinguished and highly respected professional in his field.
As CEO of CRI Group™, Zafar uses his extensive knowledge and expertise to create stable and secure networks across challenging global markets. For organisations needing comprehensive project management, security, safeguard testing, background investigations, and real-time compliance applications, Anjum is the assurance expert of choice for industry professionals. Such expertise is increasingly important as a result of COVID-19 – with a long list of countries worldwide still facing significant economic disruption, insecurity and suffering, which has created an increased risk of bribery and corruption. News in the past years showed that many governments began to implement measures to combat these implications from the global pandemic:
Kenyan Anti-bribery and Anti-Corruption laws
“In 2020, it was reported [by Global Compliance News] that the Kenyan Government is in the process of implementing harsher corruption and bribery laws in an attempt to curb the current statistics within the country. The Kenyan Government is concerned with preventing bribery and corruption, perhaps to ensure the appropriate allocation of resources in these unprecedented times. A proposed amendment to the Bribery Act, which is currently being tabled in Parliament, seeks to allow for the imposition of a fine amounting to KSh 5 million (circa USD 46,939) or for a period of imprisonment not exceeding ten years, where an individual is aware of, or suspects bribery taking place and fails to report it.”
US Abuse of Power Prevention Act
In 2020, the House Judiciary Committee held a mark-up of a new bill, the Abuse of the Pardon Prevention Act, as US congress aims to eliminate the tolerance of alleged corruption and bribery undertaken by the current or former presidents. “Section Three of the bill amends the federal bribery statute to make clear that a (former) president can be prosecuted for accepting a bribe in exchange for a pardon… The House also introduced a related bill; the No President is Above the Law Act.”
French Compliance Legislation
The French government has also been working on implementing anti-bribery and anti-corruption legislation in 2020 for the first time since 2016 adapted and improved their white-collar crime standards. As stated in a Global Investigations Review by Lexology, “in anti-bribery compliance, in particular, the recently created French Anticorruption Agency (AFA) keeps building on Sapin II by providing guidance on specific topics, auditing compliance programmes and for the first time… bringing cases in front of its sanctions board.”
Against this backdrop, Financier Worldwide turns to come of the leading lights in their field (including our CEO), who share their stories. A pre-release version of “POWER PLAYERS Investigations & White-Collar Crime 2022 – Exceptional Experts” is now available to view. Please click here to access the file.
The Security Of Your Company Depends On Effective Risk Management
Background investigations are critical to any company’s success because working with qualified, honest and hard-working employees and other businesses is integral to thriving in the business community. What you don’t know can hurt you, and the simple act of one bad decision can result in an unprecedented loss for your company.
From vendor and third-party screening to employment screening, CRI Group™ recommends background investigations as critical proactive measures to help keep your business safe. An effective background screening investigation will help screen for bad apples that can cause havoc down the road. Because we maintain a diverse talent base comprised of multilingual and multi-cultural professionals, CRI™ can traverse obstacles that often impede international background investigations. That’s why we are frequently contracted by our competitors to conduct background investigations in geographic regions not serviced or accessible by larger investigative firms. Contact CRI Group™ to learn more about its 3PRM-Certified™ third-party risk management strategy program and discover an effective and proactive approach to mitigating the risks associated with corruption, bribery, financial crimes and other dangerous risks posed by third-party partnerships.
Who is CRI Group™?
Based in London, CRI Group™ works with companies across the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific as a one-stop international Risk Management, Employee Background Screening, Business Intelligence, Due Diligence and other professional Investigative Research solutions provider. We have the largest proprietary network of background-screening analysts and investigators across the Middle East and Asia. Our global presence ensures that no matter how international your operations are we have the network needed to provide you with all you need, wherever you happen to be. CRI Group™ also holds BS 102000:2013 and BS 7858:2012 Certifications, is an HRO certified provider and partner with Oracle.
In 2016, CRI Group™ launched Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption (ABAC™) Center of Excellence – an independent certification body that provides education and certification services for individuals and organisations on a wide range of disciplines and ISO standards, including ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management- Guidelines; ISO 37000:2021 Governance of Organisations; ISO 37002:2021 Whistleblowing Management System; ISO 37301:2021 (formerly ISO 19600) Compliance Management system (CMS); Anti-Money Laundering (AML); and ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems ABMS. ABAC™ offers a complete suite of solutions designed to help organisations mitigate the internal and external risks associated with operating in multi-jurisdiction and multi-cultural environments while assisting in developing frameworks for strategic compliance programs. Contact ABAC™ for more on ISO Certification and training.
ABAC™ is accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS CB number: 10613) against ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of the scheme’s management systems of ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems (ABMS). This makes ABAC™ Certification the leading accredited certification body specialising in global anti-bribery and anti-corruption, risk and compliance management system standards. ABAC™ experts audit any existing compliance and anti-bribery anti-corruption management systems to assess effectiveness and vulnerabilities while ensuring your organisation complies with Internal Standards, FCPA, UK Bribery Act, Anti-Money Laundering regulations, and all other global, regional and local regulations while maintaining a competitive edge in the world marketplace.
If you are seeking to validate or expand your existing compliance frameworks to maintain a competitive edge in the world marketplace, ABAC™ can help you. Our experts audit your existing compliance and anti-bribery anti-corruption management systems to assess effectiveness and vulnerabilities while ensuring your organisation complies with Internal Standards, FCPA rules, UK Bribery Act laws, Anti-Money Laundering regulations, and all other global, regional and local regulations.
Let’s talk
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter for more industry news and insights.
Headquarter: +44 7588 454959
Local: +971 800 274552
Email: info@crigroup.com
Headquarter: 454959 7588 44
Local: 274552 800 971
Email: info@crigroup.com