Significance of Due Diligence in Economic Crime & Corporate Transparency Act Compliance

The Importance of Due Diligence in Demonstrating Compliance with The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act

Corporate fraud in the UK has been a growing concern, with statistics reflecting the extent of the issue. According to a report, the financial cost of fraud to UK businesses was estimated at over £130 billion per year.  The scale of corporate fraud underlines the necessity for stringent measures like those introduced in the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act. The Act’s provisions aim to curb these activities by enhancing the accountability and transparency of companies, thus creating a more challenging environment for perpetrators of corporate fraud. 

With the implementation of this legislation, due diligence becomes a critical tool for businesses to detect and prevent fraud, ensuring compliance with the new legal requirements and safeguarding the economic landscape of the UK.  In this article, we will explore the intricacies of the Act, highlight the pivotal role of due diligence in combatting corporate fraud, and outline essential measures that companies must adopt to align with the new legislative mandates, thereby safeguarding the UK’s economic integrity.



The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act was developed by the UK government in response to escalating concerns over economic crime, particularly fraud, money laundering, and corruption, which were increasingly undermining the integrity of the UK’s financial and corporate sectors. Prompted by a series of high-profile scandals and the growing sophistication of criminal activities exploiting the global financial system, the Act was formulated to address these challenges head-on.

It aimed to enhance transparency, strengthen the legal framework, and provide regulatory bodies with the necessary tools to combat these crimes effectively. Spearheaded by the Home Office and the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, the legislation reflects a concerted effort to safeguard the UK’s reputation as a fair and secure place for conducting business, ensuring that the country’s economic foundations remain robust against the backdrop of international financial crimes.


Key Provisions of The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act

The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act introduces several key provisions aimed at combating economic crime in the UK:

  • Identity Verification Requirements – Directors, PSCs, and those filing documents at Companies House will need to verify their identity, making it harder to make anonymous filings and improving the reliability of data provided by Companies House​​.

  • Serious Fraud Office (SFO) PowersThe Act reforms and extends the SFO’s pre-investigative powers, allowing it to compel information provision in suspected cases of fraud, bribery, or corruption. This extension applies to all potential SFO cases, enhancing the agency’s capabilities to tackle economic crimes.

  • Companies House Powers – New powers have been granted to Companies House to query and challenge potentially fraudulent or suspicious information on its register. The Act also mandates identity verification for people with significant control (PSCs) and others involved in company management, enhancing the integrity of the corporate register.

  • Register of Overseas Entities – The Act expands the scope of registrable beneficial owners and increases the information requirements for foreign entities owning UK land, addressing criticisms of previous legislation and aiming to prevent misuse of corporate structures for hiding illicit wealth.

  • Company Formation Changes – The Act mandates more stringent requirements for company formation, including full name disclosure of subscribers, lawful purpose declaration, and identity verification of proposed officers and PSCs. These measures aim to prevent misuse of corporate entities and enhance transparency​​.

  • Crypto-Related Enforcement – The Act enhances the powers of law enforcement agencies to deal with crypto-related criminal activities. It extends the confiscation and civil recovery regime to include cryptoassets, facilitating easier seizure, freezing, and recovery of assets linked to illicit activities.

These provisions reflect a comprehensive approach to enhancing corporate transparency, combating economic crime, and ensuring a fair business environment in the UK.


Penalties and Repercussions For Non-Compliance

The Act imposes stringent penalties and repercussions for non-compliance:

  • Legal and Financial Penalties – Companies and individuals failing to comply with the Act can face significant fines, legal penalties, and criminal charges.

  • Reputational DamageNon-compliance can also result in severe reputational damage, affecting the business operations and financial standing of the involved entities.

  • Increased Scrutiny and Regulation – Non-compliant companies may be subject to increased scrutiny and regulatory oversight, impacting their operational capabilities and market reputation.

These provisions collectively aim to create a more transparent and accountable corporate environment in the UK, reducing the risk of economic crimes and promoting fair business practices.


The Central Role of Due Diligence

Due diligence is a comprehensive assessment process used by businesses to evaluate the risks associated with potential partners, investments, or transactions. It involves gathering and analyzing detailed information about a business entity, its operations, financial performance, legal standing, and compliance with relevant regulations. Due diligence helps identify potential red flags or risks, such as financial discrepancies, legal issues, or reputational concerns, enabling companies to make informed decisions and mitigate risks.

In-depth investigations during the due diligence process are crucial for uncovering hidden risks that might not be apparent from surface-level analysis. For example, in the case of Volkswagen’s emissions scandal in 2015, due diligence processes that thoroughly investigated the company’s compliance with environmental regulations could have identified discrepancies in emission levels, potentially avoiding significant financial and reputational damage. This incident underscores the importance of rigorous due diligence in evaluating potential business partners’ and investments’ integrity and compliance, highlighting how thorough investigations can protect companies from unforeseen risks and liabilities.

Due diligence becomes even more pivotal in the context of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act, as it mandates businesses to conduct thorough investigations into their corporate dealings to ensure compliance with enhanced transparency and anti-fraud measures. The Act requires companies to verify the identities of their directors and beneficial owners and to maintain accurate records of their financial transactions and corporate structures. Failure to conduct adequate due diligence could lead to non-compliance with the Act, exposing companies to legal and financial penalties, including fines, criminal charges, and reputational damage.

For instance, in the context of the Act, thorough due diligence would involve scrutinizing the backgrounds of potential partners or investment opportunities to ensure they do not have a history of involvement in economic crimes such as money laundering or fraud. Companies must now ensure that their due diligence processes are robust enough to detect any potential risks that could lead to non-compliance with the new legal requirements. This could include enhanced scrutiny of financial transactions, more rigorous background checks on corporate entities, and ongoing monitoring to ensure continued compliance. Therefore, due diligence is not just a tool for assessing business risks but also a critical compliance requirement under the Act, helping companies to navigate the complexities of the regulatory landscape and avoid the severe consequences of non-compliance.


Steps for Effective Due Diligence

To conduct effective due diligence, businesses can follow these steps as a guide:

  • Define Objectives and Scope – Clearly outline the purpose and goals of the due diligence process. Determine the specific areas of focus, such as financial health, legal compliance, market position, or operational efficiency, to tailor the investigation to the needs of the business transaction or partnership.

  • Collect InformationGather comprehensive data on the target entity. This includes financial statements, legal records, business plans, operational details, and information on key personnel. Public records, company filings, and market research can provide valuable insights.

  • Conduct Financial Analysis – Review the financial data of the target entity to assess its financial stability, profitability, and growth prospects. Analyze balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and financial projections to identify any financial risks or anomalies.

  • Evaluate Legal and Regulatory Compliance – Investigate the legal standing of the entity, including any past or ongoing legal disputes, compliance with industry regulations, and adherence to licensing requirements. This step is crucial to identify potential legal liabilities and regulatory risks.

  • Assess Operational Capabilities – Examine the operational aspects of the entity, including its business model, supply chain, production processes, and technology infrastructure. Understanding the operational strengths and weaknesses can reveal risks and opportunities.

  • Perform Risk Assessment – Identify and evaluate the risks associated with the investment or partnership. This includes financial risks, legal risks, market risks, operational risks, and reputational risks. Assessing these risks helps in making an informed decision.
  • Verify Information – Cross-check and verify the collected information through independent sources. This may include background checks, reference checks, site visits, and third-party audits to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data.

  • Prepare Due Diligence Report – Compile the findings into a detailed due diligence report. The report should provide a comprehensive analysis of the target entity, highlighting key findings, risks, opportunities, and recommendations for the business decision.

  • Make Informed Decisions – Use the insights gained from the due diligence process to make informed business decisions. The due diligence report should serve as a basis for negotiating terms, structuring the deal, or deciding whether to proceed with the transaction or partnership.
  • Monitor and Review – After completing the transaction or establishing the partnership, continue to monitor the entity’s performance and compliance. Regular reviews can help manage risks and ensure that the business arrangement’s objectives are being met.

By following these steps, businesses can conduct thorough due diligence, which is essential for mitigating risks, ensuring compliance with the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act, and making informed decisions.


Demonstrating Compliance through Due Diligence

Demonstrating compliance through due diligence is a multi-faceted process that involves thorough documentation, third-party verification, external audits, and comprehensive employee training. Here’s how businesses can approach each aspect to ensure adherence to the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act:


Documentation plays a crucial role in proving compliance with the Act. Businesses should maintain detailed records of their due diligence processes, including background checks, financial audits, risk assessments, and the decision-making process for transactions or partnerships. For example, if a company is investigating a potential investment, it should document each step of the due diligence process, including financial analyses, legal checks, and compliance reviews. This documentation is evidence of due diligence and helps proactively identify and mitigate risks.

Third-Party Verification and External Audits

Third-party verification and external audits provide an additional layer of assurance in the due diligence process. Companies can validate their compliance efforts with an unbiased perspective by involving independent entities to verify the accuracy of financial statements or the legitimacy of business operations. For instance, engaging a reputable audit firm to conduct an annual audit of the company’s financial transactions can uncover discrepancies that internal checks might miss and demonstrate to regulators that the company is serious about maintaining transparency and adhering to legal requirements.

Employee Training and Awareness Programs

Employee training and awareness programs are critical in ensuring that all staff members understand the importance of compliance and the specific requirements of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act. These programs should educate employees about the risks of economic crime, the importance of due diligence, and their roles in maintaining compliance. For instance, a financial services firm might conduct regular training sessions for its analysts and managers to update them on the latest regulatory changes, teach them how to spot signs of money laundering or fraud, and train them in conducting thorough due diligence on new clients or transactions.


Case Study: Successes and Failures

A notable example of a company that effectively used due diligence to demonstrate compliance is Rolls-Royce. In its dealings with corruption and bribery allegations, Rolls-Royce conducted extensive internal investigations and cooperated with authorities, leading to a Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA) in 2017. Their proactive approach in conducting thorough due diligence and compliance checks helped mitigate the legal consequences and demonstrated their commitment to rectifying the compliance failures.

Unilever has effectively used due diligence to ensure compliance with environmental and ethical standards in its supply chain. By conducting thorough investigations into their suppliers’ practices, Unilever has managed to uphold high standards of corporate responsibility and demonstrate compliance with UK’s stringent regulations on sustainability and ethical sourcing.


Lessons from Inadequate Due Diligence

  • The BHS Collapse – The downfall of British retailer BHS highlighted the consequences of inadequate due diligence. In 2015, BHS was sold for just £1 to a consortium with no retail experience and questionable financial stability. The lack of thorough due diligence in evaluating the buyer’s ability to manage BHS led to its collapse and the loss of 11,000 jobs. This case underscores the critical need for comprehensive due diligence in business transactions to avoid significant financial and reputational damage.

  • Tesco’s Overstatement Scandal  – In 2014, Tesco, one of the UK’s largest retailers, faced a serious financial scandal due to inadequate due diligence. The company overstated its profits by £129 million due to recognized income on deals before it was earned. The failure in due diligence to accurately audit and verify financial statements led to hefty fines and severe damage to Tesco’s reputation, highlighting the importance of thorough financial due diligence.

These examples emphasize that effective due diligence is crucial for demonstrating compliance and ensuring business integrity, while failures in conducting due diligence can lead to severe consequences, including financial loss, legal penalties, and reputational damage.


Recommendations for Companies

For companies looking to enhance their due diligence processes, here are some recommendations:

Invest in Due Diligence Tools and Software

Companies should invest in advanced tools and software that streamline the due diligence process. These technologies can automate data collection and analysis, track regulatory requirement changes, and provide real-time alerts on potential risks. For example, due diligence platforms like LexisNexis and Thomson Reuters offer comprehensive solutions for screening, monitoring, and analyzing business relationships and transactions.

Collaborate with Experts and Consultants

Engaging with experts and consultants who specialize in due diligence and compliance can provide companies with specialized insights and guidance. These professionals have the expertise to conduct in-depth investigations, interpret complex legal requirements, and provide tailored advice on risk management strategies. Consulting firms like CRI Group™ offer specialized services in due diligence and compliance, leveraging their global networks and expertise to assist companies in navigating the complexities of regulatory environments.

Foster a Culture of Integrity and Transparency

Building a culture of integrity and transparency within the organization is crucial. This involves establishing clear ethical guidelines, promoting open communication, and encouraging employees to report potential issues without fear of retaliation. Companies should conduct regular training sessions to educate employees on legal requirements, ethical standards, and the importance of due diligence in mitigating risks. Creating an environment where ethical behavior is valued and rewarded can help prevent compliance issues and reinforce the company’s reputation as a trustworthy and responsible business entity.

By implementing these recommendations, companies can strengthen their due diligence processes, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, and protect themselves against the risks of financial crime and legal violations.



The evolving economic crime landscape underscores businesses’ need to remain vigilant and proactive in their due diligence efforts. As economic crimes become more sophisticated and far-reaching, particularly in the digital realm, companies must adapt to these changes with comprehensive due diligence practices. This vigilance is not merely about compliance with laws like the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act but also about safeguarding the business from potential financial and reputational damage. Proactive due diligence allows businesses to stay ahead of potential threats, ensuring long-term stability and integrity in an increasingly complex and interconnected global market.

Moreover, the long-term benefits of proactive due diligence extend beyond mere compliance. They encompass the fostering of a culture of transparency and ethical business practices, which can significantly enhance a company’s reputation and trustworthiness in the eyes of stakeholders, including customers, partners, and investors. In the long run, this proactive approach to due diligence can lead to more sustainable business growth, as it not only detects and mitigates risks early but also positions the company as a responsible entity committed to ethical practices and legal compliance. Thus, investing in effective due diligence processes is not just a regulatory requirement but a strategic business imperative that can yield substantial dividends in terms of risk management, corporate reputation, and operational excellence.


The Removal of the UAE from the FATF’s grey list in February 2024

The UAE’s Victory – A New Dawn in Regulatory Compliance and Investment Opportunities

In a landmark achievement for the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the global watchdog for anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing, has officially removed the UAE from its “grey list” as of February 23, 2024. This decision is a testament to the UAE’s steadfast commitment and rigorous efforts in implementing robust financial crime prevention measures. The move underscores the UAE’s enhanced regulatory framework and reaffirms its status as a reputable and secure global financial hub.


The Journey to Compliance

The UAE’s journey began in March 2022 when FATF placed the country on its “grey list” due to perceived strategic deficiencies in its systems. This listing led to increased monitoring and scrutiny, posing a challenge to the UAE’s reputation as a secure and attractive jurisdiction for trade and investment. In response, the UAE embarked on a comprehensive overhaul of its compliance framework. This initiative aimed to address the identified shortcomings and enhance the country’s reputation as a secure and attractive jurisdiction for trade and investment.

Key measures taken by the UAE include:

  • In February 2021, the UAE Cabinet approved the formation of the Executive Office of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) office to oversee the implementation of the UAE’s National AML/CFT Strategy and National Action Plan. The office is responsible for coordinating AML/CFT efforts within the UAE and improving international cooperation on these issues. It also works to enhance the UAE’s AML/CFT framework and legislation in coordination with relevant stakeholders​​​​.

  • The UAE established specialized money laundering courts to prosecute financial crimes, including money laundering. This move is part of the country’s efforts to build an effective framework to combat money laundering and terrorist financing​​.

  • The UAE Central Bank periodically issues guidance to financial institutions and designated non-financial businesses and professions (DNFBPs) on how to comply with AML/CFT laws and regulations. This includes guidance on suspicious activity/transaction reporting​​.
  • In October 2018, the UAE promulgated a new AML/CFT law to strengthen its regulatory framework against financial crimes. The law defines money laundering offenses and stipulates penalties for such crimes​​​​.

These measures demonstrate the UAE’s commitment to addressing the strategic deficiencies identified by FATF and enhancing its AML/CFT framework. The removal of the UAE from the FATF’s grey list in February 2024 is a testament to the effectiveness of these efforts and is expected to boost investor confidence and attract foreign investment​​.


A Symbol of Confidence

The UAE’s removal from the grey list is more than just a symbolic victory. It signifies a renewed confidence in the country’s regulatory environment, promising to attract greater foreign investment, reduce compliance costs, and lower borrowing expenses. This development is particularly significant as the UAE continues to position itself as a regional leader in technology and innovation.

Comply with Confidence - with the help of CRI Group's services


Opportunities for Businesses and Investors

With the UAE’s removal from the FATF grey list, businesses have several opportunities to explore and expand:

  • Enhanced Investor Confidence – The delisting signals to investors that the UAE is committed to maintaining a transparent and robust financial system, which can attract more foreign investment.

  • Improved International RelationsThe UAE’s efforts to strengthen its AML/CFT framework can lead to better relations with other countries, opening up new avenues for international trade and collaboration.

  • Access to Global Markets – Businesses in the UAE may find it easier to access global markets as the delisting reduces the perception of risk associated with financial transactions involving the UAE.

  • Lower Compliance Costs – With the removal from the grey list, companies might experience reduced compliance costs and fewer hurdles in conducting cross-border financial transactions.

  • Strengthened Financial Sector – The measures taken by the UAE to address FATF’s concerns can lead to a more robust and resilient financial sector, benefiting businesses operating in the region.

  • Attractive Destination for FDI – The UAE’s enhanced reputation as a compliant and secure financial hub can attract more foreign direct investment, boosting the economy and creating opportunities for local businesses.

  • Competitive Advantage – Companies that proactively adhere to the highest standards of compliance and due diligence can gain a competitive advantage, as they are perceived as trustworthy and reliable partners.

  • Innovation and Growth – The improved regulatory environment can encourage innovation and growth, as businesses can focus on expanding their operations without the overhang of being in a jurisdiction under increased monitoring.

To make the most of these opportunities, businesses should continue to invest in compliance, due diligence, and risk management practices, ensuring they remain aligned with international standards and best practices.


CRI Group™ – Your Partner in Building a Trusted Future

CRI Group™ is well-positioned to assist organizations in leveraging these opportunities while adhering to the highest standards of integrity and regulatory compliance. CRI Group offers a broad range of services to help businesses manage risks and ensure compliance, including:

Employee Background Checks:

Critical for hiring qualified, honest, and hard-working employees, CRI Group™’s employee background checks services, also known as EmploySmart™ are an integral part of thriving in the business community​​.


Vital for confirming the legitimacy of potential business partners and reducing risks associated with professional relationships. This level of due diligence ensures that working with outside parties will ultimately achieve an organization’s strategic and financial goals​​.

CRI Group™ provides Due Diligence service to secure your business

Third-Party Risk Management:

CRI Group‘s exclusive 3PRM™ services help organizations proactively mitigate risks from third-party affiliations, protecting them from liability, brand damage, and harm to the business​​.

Investigative Solutions:

CRI Group‘s team of experts can safeguard businesses from unseen threats such as employee fraud, compliance issues, third-party risk factors, and other concerns that can quickly and severely impact any organization​​​​.

Fraud Risk Investigations:

CRI Group‘s investigators and Certified Fraud Examiners are trained to recognize the patterns of fraud and can help uncover the trail of fraud, leading to a quick and successful resolution​​.

AML Advisory Services:

CRI Group helps organizations meet stakeholder expectations and safeguard their corporate reputation and competitive positioning with an effective AML framework​​.


CRI Group™ is well-positioned to assist businesses in capitalizing on the new opportunities presented by the UAE’s removal from the FATF grey list. With its comprehensive expertise in risk management, due diligence, and compliance, along with its global coverage and experienced team, CRI Group™ is a preferred partner for organizations seeking to navigate the complexities of the current regulatory environment effectively.

The recent grey list case verdict underscores the importance of robust compliance measures, and CRI Group™ offers the necessary tools and services to help businesses meet these standards and thrive in a more secure and transparent market. For more information, contact us at


PBSA Annual Conference 2023

Celebrating 20 Years of PBSA: A Spectacular Event in Grapevine, TX

The Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA) is gearing up to celebrate its momentous 20-year anniversary at the 2023 PBSA Annual Conference in Grapevine, TX. This event promises to be a memorable occasion, filled with networking opportunities, informative sessions, and, of course, plenty of celebration.

Let’s take a closer look at what attendees can expect during this milestone event. 

An Unforgettable Celebration

PBSA’s 2023 Annual Conference will be more than just a typical industry gathering. With two decades of excellence to commemorate, the celebration kicks off on Sunday evening with the Network Reception, where attendees from diverse backgrounds and industries can come together to connect and build relationships. The camaraderie will continue with the grand Opening Ceremony, followed by the highly anticipated Exhibit Hall Opening Showcase, featuring cutting-edge products and services from top industry players. 

The 20 Year Opening Gala

One of the highlights of the event will be the 20 Year Opening Gala on Sunday evening. This elegant affair will take place at 8 p.m. and promises to be a night to remember. The gala will feature a dueling piano performance, setting the perfect tone for an evening of festivity and celebration. Attendees are encouraged to dress in black and gold formal attire to add a touch of elegance to the occasion. However, the organizers are welcoming all attendees, whether in tuxedos and long gowns or semi-formal attire, to be a part of this grand celebration. 

Conference Days – Informative Sessions 

Monday and Tuesday will be filled with a series of informative sessions led by industry experts and thought leaders. Attendees can expect engaging discussions, educational workshops, and insights into the latest trends and advancements in the background screening industry. These conference days will offer an excellent opportunity for attendees to expand their knowledge, gain valuable insights, and contribute to the professional growth of the background screening community. 


CRI Group™ at the 2023 PBSA Annual Conference:

CRI Group™ is thrilled to be an integral part of the 20-year celebration and excited to showcase our latest offerings at the conference. Our team of experts will be available at booths 610 & 612 to provide personalized demonstrations of EmploySmart™ and DueDiligence360™, two groundbreaking solutions that have set new industry standards.



    EmploySmart™ is our state-of-the-art background screening platform that leverages advanced technology and artificial intelligence to streamline the screening process. EmploySmart™ is more than just a screening platform; it’s a powerful tool that ensures a seamless experience for candidates and empowers employers to make confident and informed hiring decisions. With EmploySmart™, you can expect faster turnaround times without compromising on accuracy.

    Our platform leverages cutting-edge technology to perform various essential checks, including address verification, identity verification, previous employment verification, and education & credential verification.  



    Going beyond domestic boundaries, EmploySmart™ offers international criminal record checks, enabling you to make informed decisions about candidates with international backgrounds. For organizations seeking to delve deeper into a candidate’s integrity and reputation, our integrity due diligence service provides invaluable information.


  • DueDiligence360™

    DueDiligence360™ is a comprehensive due diligence solution that provides a deep and thorough analysis of potential business partners, vendors, and other stakeholders. With our meticulously curated reports and risk assessments, businesses can make critical decisions with a heightened level of confidence and transparency. 


Basic DueDiligence360™ Package:

Our Basic DueDiligence360™ investigation covers a wide range of critical checks, including international business verification, personal profiles on individuals, and company profiles on corporate entities. We conduct historical ownership analysis, identify subsidiaries, and uncover connected parties to give you a complete understanding of a subject’s business interests. Our global/national criminality & regulatory records checks, Politically Exposed Person database searches, and global terrorism checks provide essential information on potential risks and associations. 

We also conduct thorough digital media research and company background analysis to ensure you have a comprehensive view of a subject’s online presence and reputation. Additionally, our investigation includes industry reputational assessment, FCPA and UK Anti-Bribery & Corruption risk database checks, and money laundering risk database checks, ensuring that you are aware of any potential compliance or regulatory concerns. 

Furthermore, we provide financial reports and asset tracing, giving you valuable insights into a subject’s financial history and stability. Our country-specific databases include litigation checks, law enforcement agencies, and capital market regulators, providing you with comprehensive information about a subject’s legal and regulatory standing. 


Level I Essential Integrity Due Diligence Package:

Building upon the DueDiligence360™ Package, our Level I Essential Integrity Due Diligence goes deeper into a subject’s corporate structure and affiliations. We verify addresses, telephone numbers, and corporate records, including shareholdings and directorships. Our investigation includes verification of corporate and business affiliations, as well as personal information on key principals associated with the subject entity. 

We conduct research on government affiliations, political positions, and relationships with public officials to assess potential reputational issues. Additionally, we research criminal history records, civil litigation, liens, judgments, and bankruptcies to identify any red flags that could impact your association with the subject. 


Level II Enhanced Integrity Due Diligence Package:

Our Level II Enhanced Integrity Due Diligence is the most comprehensive investigation, providing an in-depth understanding of a subject’s activities and history. In addition to all the checks included in Level I, we conduct onsite visits to verify addresses and localities, ensuring greater accuracy in our findings. We verify previous employments, projects completed, business and personal references, academic and professional qualifications, and current activities. 

Our investigation delves into the background and track record of key principals and shareholders, with a focus on regulatory or reputational issues of concern. We thoroughly examine property records and asset ownership to provide a complete financial picture. 

Furthermore, we conduct comprehensive screenings of local and international sanction lists, PEP databases checks, global compliance database searches, OFAC, and other international sanctions and law enforcement institutions. Our research includes profiling the positioning and connections of the subject and its key principals and shareholders, including business relationships, political affiliations, and exposure to international anti-bribery and anti-corruption legislation. We also undertake source interviews to gather local and industry expert insights, ensuring a well-rounded investigation.

Join CRI Group™ at the PBSA Annual Conference and discover how EmploySmart™ and DueDiligence360™ can transform your background screening procedures. Take this opportunity to meet our team of experts, discuss your unique screening requirements, and learn how CRI™ can be your trusted partner in ensuring accurate and compliant background screenings.

Book your meetings at our booths 610 & 612 to secure a personalized session tailored to your needs. 

HR Summit & Job Fair 2023 Exhibition – Islamabad

Corporate Research & Investigations CRI Group™ cordially invites you to attend Pakistan’s HR Summit being held on May 27th, 2023, at Pak-China Friendship Center Islamabad!

We believe Pre-Employment Screening & Background Verification concepts are an inescapable recruitment tool for your organisation if you are looking to minimise risks surrounding a bad hire.

Join our vision to protect your business’s sustainability and welfare against unqualified contenders!

HR Summit & Expo (HRSE) KSA 19 – 20 June 2023 – Riyadh

Corporate Research and Investigations is a proud sponsor & exhibitor at the upcoming HR Summit & Expo (HRSE) being held in Riyadh this June 2023.

We cordially invite you to visit us at the summit and explore various opportunities we offer to Recruit Smart with EmploySmart™.

UAE Imposes Fines on Non-Compliant Corporations: Is Your Business At Risk?

UAE Businesses Beware: AED 22.6 Million in Fines for Non-Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Regulations!

That’s right, the UAE’s Ministry of Economy has cracked down on 29 companies operating in the designated non-financial business or professions (DNFBP) sector for failing to comply with AML/CFT legislation. Violations ranged from a lack of internal policies and procedures to check customer databases against terrorism lists to failure to identify financial crime risks in their fields of work.

The message is clear – compliance with these regulations is no longer a choice, but a requirement. Businesses operating in the DNFBP sector must prioritize AML/CFT programs, including regular risk assessments, robust internal controls, and employee training.

Importance of AML/CFT compliance

The importance of anti-money laundering (AML) compliance cannot be overstated, especially within the UAE’s landscape, where the government is cracking down on non-compliant corporations. A robust AML compliance policy can not only protect against money laundering and terrorist financing but can also prevent fraud. Here are five key reasons why AML compliance is critical for businesses operating in the UAE.

Threat Evolution:

Criminal methods have become more sophisticated and complex, making them difficult to detect. Lone-wolf terrorists, cyber-enabled criminals, and e-commerce criminals are trending types of criminals in the UAE. It’s essential for businesses to stay ahead of these threats by complying with AML regulations.

Reputational Risk:

A crisis in Anti Money Laundering compliance can severely harm a company’s reputation and negatively affect customer trust. Companies that have been investigated or fined for non-compliance may need to appear more trustworthy to customers, leading to a loss of business. Protect your reputation by implementing a robust AML compliance program.

Poor Client Experience:

Non-compliance with AML regulations can increase the potential risk of fraud. A successful fraud attack can also affect the customers of a company. Don’t put your clients at risk – ensure that your business is fully compliant with AML regulations.

Regulatory Action:

The UAE has strict AML regulations that require financial institutions and businesses to comply with customer due diligence, transaction monitoring, and reporting of suspicious activities. Failure to comply can result in hefty fines and penalties imposed by regulatory authorities. Non-compliant businesses may face severe legal consequences, including criminal liability for individuals within the organization.

Financial Crime Persistence:

Enforcing AML regulations is crucial as financial crimes remain a persistent issue in the UAE. Money laundering enables criminal organizations to disguise the origin of their illegal proceeds, which can lead to economic instability, funding of terrorism, and loss of public trust in the financial system. Stay ahead of the game and maintain the integrity of your business by complying with AML regulations.

Penalties and Consequences

The UAE’s Ministry of Economy is intensifying field inspections and providing awareness and training support to DNFBP companies to ensure compliance with AML/CFT legislation and international standards issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). With further punitive measures on the horizon, it’s more important than ever for businesses to stay ahead of the curve and ensure that they are fully compliant with AML/CFT regulations.

The penalties for non-compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) regulations are severe, and businesses must take them seriously. Failure to comply with AML/CFT laws can result in heavy fines, damage to reputation, and even criminal prosecution.

The consequences of non-compliance are not to be taken lightly. Heavy fines can severely impact a business’s bottom line, while damage to reputation can harm its ability to attract and retain customers. In some cases, non-compliance can even result in criminal prosecution. The risks are too great to ignore, and businesses must take the necessary steps to protect themselves.

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Protect Your Business with Robust AML Compliance

Are you concerned about the potential risks of money laundering and terrorist financing within your organization? Compliance with AML regulations is critical to protect your business and maintain the financial system’s integrity. At CRI Group™, we understand the importance of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance and offer advisory services to analyze your systems and develop effective solutions to combat money laundering. Our unmatched investigative capabilities and worldwide presence make us uniquely qualified to resolve regulatory concerns and help businesses ensure compliance with AML/CFT regulations.

If you operate in the financial sector, complying with AML regulations is essential. Failure to comply can result in fines, reputational damage, and even criminal prosecution. That’s why we recommend registering with our anti money laundering services to ensure you’re following regulations for the prevention of money laundering.

At CRI Group™, our vast Anti-Corruption and Compliance network offers the protection you need when making critical bottom-line decisions. Leave it to our experts to help you with AML compliance and provide the protection you need to combat money laundering. With our 360-degree analysis of your challenges, we can ensure that your business is fully compliant with AML/CFT regulations, reducing the risk of fines and reputational damage. Here’s how CRI Group™ Group can help:

In-Depth AML Risk Assessment:

Our team of experts will undertake a comprehensive AML risk assessment to analyze the vulnerabilities and potential threats within your organization’s operations. The assessment will incorporate an evaluation of your existing AML policies, procedures, controls, and the nature of your company’s products, services, customers, and geographic locations. Our analysis and evaluation will help in identifying potential risks and emerging trends that are necessary for effective AML risk management.

GAP Analysis for the Scope of ISO 37301 Compliance Management System:

Our team of consultants will perform a detailed GAP analysis of your organization to ensure compliance with the ISO 37301 standard. We will evaluate your current system and processes, identify shortcomings, and present recommendations to help your company fill the existing gaps. Our analysis will facilitate the understanding of the roles, responsibilities, and competencies required for compliance with the standard.

Provision of AML Framework:

We will provide a comprehensive framework to guide your organization in establishing and maintaining an effective AML compliance program. This framework will include policies, procedures, and protocols for risk assessment, customer due diligence, transaction monitoring, and reporting. Our team will work closely with your staff to implement this framework for compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and industry best practices.

Global Sanction Screening & Third-Party Risk Management:

Our screening services will help identify, assess, and mitigate the potential risks associated with third-party relationships. With our global database, we can monitor a wide range of regulatory lists and relevant databases, providing you with peace of mind that your company’s dealings with third parties will not put your organization at risk of non-compliance with AML regulations.

Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO):

Our team will assist your organization in the appointment of an MLRO. This officer will be tasked with overseeing your company’s AML policy and reporting matters to relevant regulators. We’ll help you identify a qualified MLRO who possesses the experience and knowledge required for carrying out this crucial duty effectively.

Policy Statement:

We will work with you to develop a clear and concise policy statement outlining your organization’s commitment to AML compliance. Our policy statement will outline the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the implementation of the AML policy, including the board of directors, senior management, employees, and applicable third parties/vendors. This statement will provide clarity on the compliance requirements, enhancing risk awareness and making it easier for employees to comply with AML legislation.

Identifying Financing Terrorism:

Our experts will assist you in identifying potential risks associated with financing terrorism. By conducting risk assessments and due diligence checks, we can help identify unusual transactions that could be linked to terrorist financing. Our team will help in the implementation of preventive and control measures, ensuring that your organization is always one step ahead of potential risks.

Corporate Principles – An Ethical & Integrated Business Approach:

We’ll help develop corporate principles that emphasize an ethical and integrated approach to doing business. Our team will work with you to identify fundamental values that your company stands for, and ensure that these are integrated into your operations. We’ll also help with the development of programs to encourage ethical behavior and integrity in your workforce. These corporate principles will help to build a positive reputation while displaying governance and a strong ethical culture.

Industries We Serve

At CRI Group™, we are committed to helping businesses across a wide range of industries to stay compliant with AML/CFT regulations. Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs of each industry, including:

  • Automotive: Whether you’re a car manufacturer, dealer or supplier, our AML services can help you mitigate risks and ensure compliance with AML regulations.
  • Aviation: Airlines, airports and other aviation companies face unique AML risks that require specialized solutions. Our experts can help you detect and prevent money laundering and terrorist financing activities.
  • Finance & Professional Services: Banks, financial institutions, law firms and accounting firms all require robust AML compliance programs to protect their clients and reputation. We provide tailored solutions to meet the needs of each business.
  • IT & Telecommunications: With the rise of online transactions, the IT and telecommunications industry faces new challenges in preventing money laundering and terrorist financing. Our AML solutions can help you stay ahead of the curve.
  • Insurance: The insurance industry is vulnerable to money laundering and fraudulent activities. Our AML services can help you detect and prevent these risks, ensuring the integrity of the insurance system.
  • Property: The real estate industry is also vulnerable to money laundering and terrorist financing. Our AML solutions can help property developers, agents, and managers detect and prevent these risks.
  • Pharmaceutical & Healthcare: The pharmaceutical and healthcare industry faces a range of financial crime risks, including money laundering and bribery. Our AML services can help you ensure compliance and mitigate these risks.
  • Oil, Gas & Energy: The oil, gas and energy industry is subject to unique risks that require specialized AML solutions. Our experts can help you detect and prevent money laundering and terrorist financing activities.

No matter what industry your business operates in, compliance with AML/CFT regulations is crucial. With CRI Group’s industry-specific solutions, you can rest assured that your business is fully protected against the risks of financial crime.

Don’t let your business fall prey to the threat of money laundering and financial crimes. Trust CRI Group™ to provide you with the expert advisory services and protection you need to ensure compliance and success in the financial sector. Contact CRI Group™ Group for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Advisory service today and take the necessary steps to ensure compliance with AML regulations.


As a Platinum Sponsor of the conference, we aim to showcase our expertise to fraud prevention professionals and demonstrate our commitment to leading with diligence and promoting ethical business practices in the region.

The CRI Group™ enters Saudi Arabia

We are now open in the holy state of Saudi Arabia

The CRI Group™, a global leader in Anti-Corruption, Compliance, Fraud Risk Investigations, and Third-Party Risk Management, has extended its reach into Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The CRI Group safeguards some of the world’s leading multinational organizations, by investigating the financial viability, business history, legal compliance, and integrity levels of third parties, outside partners, suppliers and customers seeking business affiliations with their clients.

“The world of business is getting increasingly risky,” says Zafar I. Anjum, CRI Group™ Chief Executive Officer. “From dishonest employees to rogue business partners, successful business organisations should assume that they are potential targets of corporate crime, and subsequently develop strategies to safeguard their operations. We are very pleased to be welcomed and accepted by the Ministry of Investment, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and look forward to working alongside the esteemed organizations that intend to expand their presence and investment in the Kingdom.”

A global network of professionals

The CRI Group has earned a credible reputation worldwide by successfully deterring, detecting, and investigating crimes against businesses. This success is the outcome of having a global network of professionals specially trained in business and third-party due diligence and Anti-Corruption accredited certification by CRI Group’s independent UKAS accredited certification body.

The CRI Group operates one of the largest multi-national Third-Party Risk Management teams the industry has to offer, employing a network of Certified Fraud Examiners, Compliance Experts, and Research Consultants strategically positioned across five continents and who possess an impressive array of industry backgrounds.

“CRI Group experts come from a variety of professions and possess industry knowledge and experience serving clients in the banking, investments, international finance, government, and public and privately held multinational business sectors,” says Mr. Anjum. “Our specialized capabilities and multinational resources enable us to perform in-depth investigations and research across nearly every corner of the globe. This worldwide knowledge base has set CRI Group apart as a leader in global investigative research for more than 32 years.”

CRI Group’s worldwide offices

The company currently maintains offices in the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, and Turkey, effectively serving its broad client base by providing professional services covering the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, Europe, and the Asia Pacific.

CRI Group welcomes inquiries from KSA businesses. To reach Zafar I. Anjum, CRI Group CEO, call +971 50 9038184, +966 54 6932838 or +44 588 454959, or email

About the CRI Group

Based in London, CRI® Group works with companies across the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific as a one-stop international Risk Management, Employee Background Screening, Business Intelligence, Due Diligence, Compliance Solutions and other professional Investigative Research solutions provider.


CRI Group™ services such as DueDiligence360™, 3PRM™ and EmploySmart™ can significantly help organizations deal with bribery and corruption, third-party risk management, noncompliance with the regional and international regulatory framework and malpractice. 


CRI™ also holds BS 102000:2013 and BS 7858:2012 Certifications, is an HRO certified provider and partner with Oracle, and it is a licensed and incorporated entity of the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) and Qatar Financial Center (QFC).


Mission and Vision of the CRI Group

  • CRI® mission is to safeguard the corporate world by detecting and exposing those elements that can cause irreparable harm to a business
  • We stand firm against outside forces that, through corruption, collusion, coercion and fraud, can cause financial, organizational, reputational and legal harm to our global clients
  • We stand out as the preeminent provider of specialized investigative services that enable our clients to exhibit the highest standards of business integrity, ethics and behavior

About ABAC™

In 2016, CRI Group™ launched Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption (ABAC™) Center of Excellence – an independent certification body that provides education and certification services for individuals and organizations on a wide range of disciplines and ISO standards, including ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management- GuidelinesISO 37000:2021 Governance of OrganisationsISO 37002:2021 Whistleblowing Management SystemISO 37301:2021 (formerly ISO 19600) Compliance Management system (CMS)Anti-Money Laundering (AML); and ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems ABMS.

ABAC™ offers a complete suite of solutions designed to help organizations mitigate the internal and external risks associated with operating in multi-jurisdiction and multi-cultural environments while assisting in developing frameworks for strategic compliance programs. 

Contact ABAC™ for more on ISO Certification and training.

FIFA World Cup highlights Africa’s sad story of Corruption

The action on the football field at the recently concluded 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar bore the strong imprint of African migration — and the stink of corruption. France’s Kylian Mbappe, one of the tournament’s best scorers and an early contender for best player, was born to a Cameroonian father, as was his teammate Aurélien Tchouaméni. Cody Gakpo, another top scorer from the Netherlands, was born to a Togolese father. The tournament’s youngest player, 18-year-old Youssoufa Moukoko, plays for Germany but was born in Cameroon, says a report on

In the 13th match of the World Cup, the Swiss striker Breel Embolo gently held his hands up after scoring the winning goal against Cameroon. Stopping himself from celebrating was a sign of respect: He had just scored his first-ever World Cup goal against the country where he was born, and where his father still lives.

Embolo was one of 136 soccer players in Qatar representing countries other than the ones in which they were born. At this World Cup, an astonishing 16% of players crossed borders to pursue their sport, shining an even stronger spotlight on the dynamics of immigration in international sport, says And you can certainly add corruption here as a key factor driving the immigration of these players, with the biggest loser being Africa.

How Africa suffers due to corruption

About half of the players on France’s national team were of African descent. A story on says corruption is rife in Africa when it comes to national team call-ups, and merits are not taken into account.

Star French player Kylian Mbappe’s father Wilfried bears this out: “At first, I wanted my son to play for Cameroon but someone at the Cameroon Football Federation charged a sum of money that I didn’t have to make him play. The French didn’t charge anything.”

Can you imagine the wealth of football stars African nations would have if they didn’t ask players to pay to play for their football teams? Imagine what would have happened to Ronaldo and Messi if they were born in Africa! African nations can never hope to win big until corruption is eliminated there. 

Corruption costs both huge amounts of money and precious lives to countries all over the world. Corruption and bribery impact and cause severe harm to businesses, including causing financial loss, dire legal consequences, brand damage, damage to an organisation’s reputation, and impedes sustainable development.

CRI® Group experts have years of experience and have been trained to provide your business with bespoke advice that fits your organisation’s needs. Implement preventative measures in your workplace today and guide your team to an ethical and corruption-free way of working. 


Who is CRI Group™?

Based in London, CRI Group™ works with companies across the Americas, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific as a one-stop international Risk ManagementEmployee Background ScreeningBusiness IntelligenceTPRMDue DiligenceCompliance Solutions, and other professional Investigative Research solutions provider. We have the largest proprietary network of background-screening analysts and investigators across the Middle East and Asia. Our global presence ensures that no matter how international your operations are, we have the network needed to provide you with all you need, wherever you happen to be. CRI® Group also holds BS 102000:2013 and BS 7858:2012 Certifications, and is an HRO-certified provider, and partners with Oracle.

In 2016, CRI Group™ launched the Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption (ABAC™) Center of Excellence – an independent certification body that provides education and certification services for individuals and organisations on a wide range of disciplines and ISO standards, including ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management- GuidelinesISO 37000:2021 Governance of OrganisationsISO 37002:2021 Whistleblowing Management SystemISO 37301:2021 (formerly ISO 19600) Compliance Management system (CMS)Anti-Money Laundering (AML); and ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems ABMS. ABAC™ offers a complete suite of solutions designed to help organisations mitigate the internal and external risks associated with operating in multi-jurisdiction and multi-cultural environments while assisting in developing frameworks for strategic compliance programs. Contact ABAC™ for more on ISO Certification and training.

CRI Group’s EmploySmart™ — a pre-employment background screening process, can boost your fraud prevention efforts and provide a “boots on the ground” approach to extensive background checking.


The CRI Group™ invites you to schedule a quick appointment with them to discuss in more detail how we can help reduce the risk of bribery and corruption occurring and demonstrate to your stakeholders that you have put in place internationally recognised good-practice anti-bribery and anti-corruption controls.

‘Tis time for New Hopes, Dreams & New Year Resolutions!

Running a new start-up or even a mature and successful business setup is no mean task. Hopefully, you have safely weathered all the storms that came your way in 2022: transitioning from the unprecedented pandemic; walking straightaway into the looming inflation; the messy Russia-Ukraine war that keeps going on and on; and the FTX Crypto collapse that took out the little faith that you might have nurtured in your crypto get-rich-quick dreams.

As you get set to energise your business in 2023, all of us at the CRI Group™ send you our warmest wishes for lots of learning opportunities, continued growth, and fruitful collaborations.

New Year Resolutions

Here are a few New Year Resolutions that will help you and your business rock and roll in the coming year:

  • Put your processes on paper and delegate

Preparing a master document with your strategies and processes can help you brainstorm with your think tank and fine-tune your strategies. Delegating key tasks will free up your time which can be effectively used to plan growth. This also means ensuring you have skilled and trustworthy people to take key decisions during crunch times.

  • Schedule Strategy meetings regularly

It is important to plan, strategise and review your company’s growth every fortnight or even every week, perhaps. Reviewing goals regularly can tell you if your ship is sailing in the right direction and help you correct course as required for long-term growth. This includes changing plans if things are not working out as planned.

  • Adopt a Performance Management System for efficiency

Tracking the progress of your employees, managers, and the company goals are best managed by putting a Performance Management System and KPIs in place. This will help you get everyone properly trained and prepare those with leadership skills for promotions in key positions. This system will also allow you to focus on other key matters rather than grapple with daily, mundane matters. A look at CRI’s Business Intelligence Solutions can help you with this.

  • Get your house in order

This may seem very insignificant, but wouldn’t you rather walk into and work in a tidy place that is well organised, systematic, and inspires you to give your best? A well-maintained organisation emits positive energy and conveys a professional look to your clients and suppliers. CRI Group’s compliance solutions will also help you in ensuring compliance audits in all areas and keeping you one step ahead of regulatory requirements.

  • Be a Santa for someone

Always, always count your blessings. Give back in whatever way you can to your employees, your suppliers, your community, and the underprivileged in your area of business operations. Given the tough times that everyone is going through, your time or money can be the reason for their smile today and every day. The feel-good factor that you get enveloped in will be well worth it all!

The CRI® Group highly values the relationships we have built over the years, and we owe you our gratitude for the success we have achieved. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with you. Thank you once again for your valuable support.

Here’s wishing you a wonderful holiday season! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023! Having shared New Year Resolutions you could take up for the new year, we are excited to work with you in the years to come!

Cheers to our continued relationship

Check out our eBook Why Partner with CRI Group™, which will familiarise you with the unique services we offer. The CRI Group™ invites you to schedule a quick appointment with us to discuss how our risk management solutions can help you and your organisation.