1. Please describe how does your role shape and/or impact the future of anti-fraud, anti-bribery, compliance, risk management industry.
Being a part of HR team, I think HR contributes to the design and implementation of the control activities, (the policies and procedures that help ensure management directives are carried out and specifically, meet the company’s objectives for compliance with the anti-bribery, compliance and risk, management policy). HR carrying out due diligence, ensuring that there is a segregation of duties within the company, obtaining the correct authorizations, implementing and carrying out checks and balances within the organization, obtaining counter-signatures for purchases, the management of the procedures for gifts, hospitality and expenses. As such, the control activities affect every employee to some degree and human resources should work to ensure that they are workable, reasonable and acceptable to employees. Where possible employees should be consulted during the design stages, with new activities clearly communicated to employees before and during the implementation phase. HR also play a vital role in compliance industry in implementation phase to comply with the policies and controls, building of internal competencies and deployment of resources.
2. What motivates and/or inspire you most in your daily tasks?
During the tenure of my employment, I know that my efforts are following the correct path and it always encourages me to push more. My biggest motivation is to learn new things on a daily basis and accept the new challenges. CRI always provide me with the learning opportunities and yes, my group role which gave me the experience to work with multicultural people.
3. What are you most proud of (accomplishments) during the period of working with CRI Group?
Achieving this title, the journey of my job with CRI starting from Assistant Level and reaching to Assistant Manager itself a biggest accomplishment for me.
4. Please list your personal core values that help you on your daily performance.
Honesty, integrity, commitment, taking responsibility, accountability, discipline, patience, tolerance and hard work
5. What are your key skills which help you to successfully perform in your role?
Multi-tasking, time management, teamwork and collaboration, HR organizational skills, creativity and critical thinking
6. What motivates you most to be a part of CRI Group?
Career Path, Learning & Growth Opportunities, International exposure
7. Years of service with CRI Group
10. Please let know us how would you like to contribute to this survey